The renowned British street artist, Banksy, opted to portray the Statue of Liberty as a young boy, perched a top a box, engaged in the act of nose-picking.
This depiction deviates from the original intention of the Statue as a majestic symbol of liberty and an emblem of hope. The choice of a child, unabashedly picking his nose, appears to symbolize immaturity. His use of a box to enhance his height might symbolize the idea of being deceived or offered unattainable promises.
The child's expression carries a hint of arrogance, suggesting that he might throw a tantrum at any given moment. Consequently, Banksy's artwork not only highlights juvenile behavior and an attempt to elevate oneself beyond one's reality but also underscores an element of arrogance.
Height - 25cm (9.84 inches)
- Unique & Abstract design based on Banksy's artwork
- Handcrafted for each order (limited quantity).
- Sophisticated decoration.
- Made from eco-friendly resin.